Sibling names for Lisha

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Sibling names for 'Lisha'

AaranEnglishLight BringerBoy
AaranIndianLight BringerBoy
AaronEnglishLight BringerBoy
AaronIndianExalted on high,  Light BringerBoy
AaronIndianExalted on highBoy
AarronEnglishLight BringerBoy
AarronIndianExalted on high,  Light BringerBoy
AbEnglishFather of lightBoy
AbIndianFather of lightBoy
AbaddonEnglishDestruction,  RuinationBoy
AbaddonIndianDestruction,  RuinationBoy
AbbotEnglishFather,  PriestBoy
AbbotIndianFather,  PriestBoy
AbbottEnglishFather,  PriestBoy
AbbottIndianFather,  PriestBoy
AbdonEnglishServant,  WorshiperBoy
AbdonIndianServant,  WorshiperBoy
AbeEnglishFather of a multitude,  Bow for an arrowBoy
AbeIndianFather of a multitude,  Bow for an arrowBoy
AbelEnglishVanity,  Transitory,  Breath,  BreathingBoy
AbelIndianVanity,  Transitory,  Breath,  BreathingBoy
AbellEnglishVanity,  HerdsmanBoy
AbellIndianVanity,  HerdsmanBoy
AbeyEnglishFather of a multitudeBoy
AbeyIndianFather of a multitudeBoy
AbidaEnglishFather of knowledgeBoy
AbidaIndianFather of knowledgeBoy
AbidahEnglishFather of knowledgeBoy
AbidahIndianFather of knowledgeBoy
AbidanEnglishMy father is judgeBoy
AbidanIndianMy father is judgeBoy
AbieEnglishFather of a multitudeBoy
AbieIndianFather of a multitudeBoy
AbielEnglishEl (God) is my fatherBoy
AbielIndianEl (God) is my fatherBoy
AbihuEnglishHe is my fatherBoy
AbihuIndianHe is my fatherBoy
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