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NameIn LocalMeaningGender
GadadharaOne who has the mace as his weaponBoy
GadhadharਗਧਾਧਰLord VishnuBoy
GadinਗਦੀਨLord KrishnaBoy
GaganਗਗਨSky, HeavenBoy
GaganadipikaਗਗਨਦੀਪਿਕਾLamp of the skyGirl
GaganasindhuਗਗਨਾਸਿਂਧੂOcean of the skyGirl
Gaganvihariਗਗਨ ਵਿਹਾਰੀOne who stays in heavenBoy
Gagneshਗਗ੍ਨੇਸ਼Lord ShivaBoy
GajadharਗਜਾਧਰOne who can command an elephantBoy
GajagaminiਗਜਗਾਮਿਨੀMajestic like an elephant walkGirl
GajakarnaOne who has eyes like an elephantBoy
Gajalakshmiਗਜਲਕ੍ਸ਼੍ਮੀGoddess Laxmi, As graceful as an elephantGirl
GajananਗਜਾਨਨOne with elephant faceBoy
GajananaElephant faced lord, Lord GaneshBoy
GajanandਗਜਾਨਂਦLord GaneshBoy
GajananetiElephant faced lord, Lord GaneshBoy
GajavakraTrunk of the elephantBoy
GajavaktraOne who has mouth like an elephantBoy
GajbahuਗਜਬਾਹੂOne who has strength of an elephantBoy
GajdantਗਜਦਂਤElephant teeth, Lord GaneshBoy
Gajendraਗਜੇਨ੍ਦ੍ਰElephant kingBoy
Gajendranathਗਜੇਂਦ੍ਰਨਾਥOwner of GajendraBoy
Gajkaranਗਜ੍ਕਰਣLike ears of elephantBoy
GajpatiਗਜਪਤਿMaster of elephant, Lord GaneshBoy
Gajraਗਜਰਾ, ਗਜਰਾGarland of flowersGirl
GajrupਗਜਰੂਪLord GaneshBoy
GajvadanਗਜਵਦਨLord GaneshBoy
GambhirਗਂਭੀਰDeep, SeriousBoy
Gamini Girl
GanadhakshyaLord of all GanjasBoy
GanadhyakshinaLeader of all the celestial bodiesBoy
GanakaਗਾਨਕਾOne who calculatesBoy
GanapathiLord GaneshBoy
GanapatiਗਣਪਤਿLord GaneshBoy
GanapatIzhankilai Boy