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A Lucky stone (Birthstone) is a gemstone with magical properties, especially to their relationship with signs of zodiac, day of birth, month of birth. They are worn in a form of personal jewellery, mostly as finger rings. Traditionally these stone have specific properties associated with various qualities of a person.

Find Lucky Stone for ...

As per  Hindu Astrology  for your name  Kunjal  lucky stone is  Aquamarine  and alternate stones are  Chrysoprase, Citrine, Moonstone, Pearl, White Sapphire  and as per  Chinese Astrology  prefered stones is  Topaz

white sapphiretopaz   
White SapphireTopaz
For name  Kunjal,  find its  MeaningOriginGenderRashiReligionSummaryCompatibilityNumerologyBirthstoneLucky Number, color, day, time, metal, stone and more.
 Similar sounding names:
 Kanaklata,  Kankalini,  Kingsley,  Kinjal,  Kunjal,  Kunjala,  Kunjalata
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