Chinese names

NameIn LocalMeaningGender
XunFast, SuddenUnisex
YaElegant, GraceGirl
Yan God is graciousGirl
YangModel, PatternBoy
Yanlin炎陵县Swallow Forest, Beijing ForestGirl
Yanmei艳梅Swallow Plum, Beijing PlumGirl
Yanyu Swallow Jade, Beijing JadeGirl
Yaochuan摇船Honoring the RiverBoy
Yaoting题甲申秋月Honoring the CourtyardBoy
Yaozu妖族Honoring the AncestorsBoy
Ye BrightBoy
Yi, , , , Suitable, Justice, Profit, CeremonyUnisex
Yin, , SilverGirl
Ying Clever, EagleGirl
Yingjie Brave and HeroicBoy
Yingpei Should AdmireBoy
Yingtai瀛台Flower TerraceGirl
Yong, Brave, PerpetualBoy
Yongliang永良Forever BrightBoy
Yongnian永年Eternal YearsBoy
Yongrui永瑞Forever LuckyBoy
Yongzheng雍正Forever UprightBoy
Yu, , UniverseBoy
Yu, , Jade, Happy, PleasedGirl
Yuan Shining PeaceGirl
Yuanjun Master of the Yuan RiverBoy
Yubi御笔Jade EmeraldGirl
Yue  Girl
Yuming Jade BrightnessGirl
Yunru蕴如Charming SeemingGirl
Yunxu Cloudy EmptinessBoy
Yusheng渝生Jade BirthUnisex
ZanSupport, FavorUnisex
Zedong毛泽东East of the MarshBoy
Zemin Favor to the PeopleBoy
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