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Name  Jadzia  generally means  Contending War


Name  Jadzia  is a  Feminine  name, which means generally Girls have this name


Name  Jadzia  has  Polish  origin
PolishContending WarGirl

Lucky Number

Supportive numbers for name  Jadzia  are
 1, 4, 8, 10

Lucky Color

Auspicious color for name  Jadzia  are
 Black, Blue, Gray

Lucky Stone

Auspicious stone for name  Jadzia  are  Garnet, Agate, Black Onyx, Sapphire

garnetagateblack onyx
GarnetAgateBlack Onyx

Lucky Metal

Auspicious metal for name  Jadzia  is

Lucky Days

Best days for name  Jadzia  are
 Wednesday, Friday, Saturday

Ruling Hours

Ruling Hours for name  Jadzia  is
 1am ~ 3am

Ruling Planet

Ruling Planet (Graha) for name  Jadzia  is


Numerical for name  Jadzia  is  6
Person with '6' as name numerical are Responsible, protective, nurturing, balance, sympatric, friendly, excellent relation builder, excellent parent, generous and sincere


People with name  Jadzia  are Courageous, Initiative, Natural leader, and Accomplishment oriented.


To be admired by their family and friends and the world at large

Life Pursuit

To be proud of their achievements


Powerful resilient energy


People with name  Jadzia  are practical, extremely dedicated, hardworking, realistic and pragmatic. They are highly ambitious, diligent, workaholic, conscientious, cautious, and not afraid of hard work, making them among the most reliable people to work with. They have an admirable sense of discipline and are good at managing finances making them good at business, unlikely to make any rash decisions.
Note: Astrological information provided above is generalised and may differ from person to person. Please consult your astrologer for exact and precise information.
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