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Gender |
Name Ayushi is a Feminine name, which means generally Girls have this name |
Origin |
Name Ayushi has Indian origin |
Religion |
Person with name Ayushi are mainly Hindu by religion |
Nakshatra |
Name Ayushi belongs to Nakshatra (lunar mansion) Krithika |
Lucky Number |
Supportive numbers for name Ayushi are 2, 7, 9 |
Lucky Color |
Auspicious color for name Ayushi are Red, Violet |
Lucky Stone |
Auspicious stone for name Ayushi are Ruby, Diamond |
 |  | | | | Ruby | Diamond | | | |
Lucky Days |
Best days for name Ayushi are Tuesday, Thursday |
Ruling Hours |
Ruling Hours for name Ayushi is 7am ~ 9am |
Ruling Planet |
Ruling Planet (Graha) for name Ayushi is Mars |
Numerology |
Numerical for name Ayushi is 2 | Person with '2' as name numerical are Cooperative, adaptable, excellent partner, kind, balance, friendly, independent and diplomatic |
Characteristic |
People with name Ayushi are Courageous, Initiative, Natural leader, and Accomplishment oriented. |
Passion |
To lead the way for others |
Life Pursuit |
The thrill of the moment |
Personality |
People with name Ayushi are natural leaders, impulsive, spontaneous, energetic, enthusiastic and headstrong, determined to succeed. They are fearless, courageous, optimistic, friendly, lively participants in the everyday bustle of life. They are eager athletes and generous players who enjoy the challenge of tough contests, willing to start a project that others would be afraid of. |
Note: Astrological information provided above is generalised and may differ from person to person. Please consult your astrologer for exact and precise information. |
For name Ayushi, find its Meaning, Origin, Gender, Rashi, Religion, Summary, Compatibility, Numerology, Birthstone, Auspicious stones, Lucky Number, color, day, time, metal, stone and more. |
Similar sounding names:
Aayaushi, Aayoush, Aayush, Aayushi, Ayasha, Ayashe, Ayeesah, Ayeesha, Ayeisha, Ayesha, Ayisha, Aysha, Ayush, Ayushi |
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