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Gender |
Name Kirtika is a Feminine name, which means generally Girls have this name |
Origin |
Name Kirtika has Indian origin |
Religion |
Person with name Kirtika are mainly Hindu by religion |
Nakshatra |
Name Kirtika belongs to Nakshatra (lunar mansion) Mrigashiras |
Lucky Number |
Supportive numbers for name Kirtika are 5, 2, 7, 9, 14 |
Lucky Color |
Auspicious color for name Kirtika are Green, Yellow |
Lucky Stone |
Auspicious stone for name Kirtika are Aquamarine, Chrysoprase, Citrine, Moonstone, Pearl, White Sapphire |
 |  |  |  |  | Aquamarine | Chrysoprase | Citrine | Moonstone | Pearl | |  | | | | | White Sapphire | | | | |
Lucky Days |
Best days for name Kirtika are Wednesday, Friday |
Ruling Hours |
Ruling Hours for name Kirtika is 11am ~ 1pm |
Ruling Planet |
Ruling Planet (Graha) for name Kirtika is Mercury |
Numerology |
Numerical for name Kirtika is 7 | Person with '7' as name numerical are Analytical, understanding, knowledgeable, studious, independent, fearless, investigative, proof oriented and practical |
Characteristic |
People with name Kirtika are Peace loving, Excellent partner and Spiritual. |
Passion |
To be ahead of the crowd |
Life Pursuit |
To explore a little bit of everything |
Energy |
Intense mental energy |
Personality |
People with name Kirtika are bright, intellect, mindful, knowledgeable, funny, brimming with life, full of ideas and surplus of imagination. They are simply adorable, one who loves life and happiness, highly sociable, life and soul of any party. They are versatile and have an amazing grasp of any subject. With an active and creative mind, they can come up with talented ideas, and like to be recognized, appreciated and encouraged. |
Note: Astrological information provided above is generalised and may differ from person to person. Please consult your astrologer for exact and precise information. |
For name Kirtika, find its Meaning, Origin, Gender, Rashi, Religion, Summary, Compatibility, Numerology, Birthstone, Auspicious stones, Lucky Number, color, day, time, metal, stone and more. |
Similar sounding names:
Kaartikeya, Kartheek, Karthiga, Karthik, Karthika, Karthikeya, Kartik, Kartika, Kartikey, Kartikeya, Kartikeyan, Kirtika, Kirtikumar, Krithik, Krithika, Krithikesh, Kritik, Kritika, Krittika, Krutesh, Kurtis |
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