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List of Names similar to 'Bethsheba'

BathshebaBiblicalDaugther of ShebaGirl
BathshebaHebrewDaughter of the OathGirl
BethEnglishGod is my oathGirl
BethHebrewGod is my OathGirl
BethIndianGod is my oathGirl
BethanWelshGod is my oathGirl
BethaneeHebrewHouse of FigsGirl
BethaniHebrewHouse of FigsGirl
BethaniaSpanishHouse of FigsGirl
BethanieEnglishHouse of dates,  House of figsGirl
BethanieHebrewHouse of FigsGirl
BethanieIndianHouse of dates,  House of figsGirl
BethannHebrewHouse of FigsGirl
BethanyEnglishHouse of dates,  House of figsGirl
BethanyHebrewHouse of FigsGirl
BethanyIndianHouse of dates,  House of figsGirl
BetheaHebrewMaid Servant of JehovahGirl
BethelEnglishHouse of GodGirl
BethelHebrewHouse of GodGirl
BethelIndianHouse of GodGirl
BetheliHebrewHouse of GodGirl
BethiaHebrewDaughter of God,  DaughterGirl
BethinaIndian Girl
BethneyEnglishHouse of dates,  House of figsGirl
BethneyIndianHouse of dates,  House of figsGirl
BethuelBiblicalMan of GodBoy
BethuelEnglishMan of GodBoy
BethuelHebrewMan of GodBoy
BethuelIndianMan of GodBoy
Origin:  HebrewEnglishWelshIndonesianSpanishBiblicalIndian
Religion:  HinduChristian
Gender:  Boy onlyGirl onlyUnisex
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