A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 NameMeaningGenderAbdul WaliySlave of the protecting friendBoyAbdul WarithServant of the supreme inheritorBoyAbdul WasiSlave of the all embracingBoyAbdul-AzeezServant of the mighty, PowerfulBoyAbdul-BaariServant of the creatorBoyAbdul-GhafoorServant of the forgiverBoyAbdul-HaafizServant of the protectorBoyAbdul-HafizServant of the protectorBoyAbdul-HameedServant of praiseworthy, Ever praisedBoyAbdul-HaseebServant of the respected, EsteemedBoyAbdul-JabaarServant of the mightyBoyAbdul-JabarServant of the mightyBoyAbdul-JaleelServant of the great, ReveredBoyAbdul-KhaaliqServant of the creatorBoyAbdul-KhaliqServant of the creatorBoyAbdul-QaadirServant of the capableBoyAbdul-QadirServant of the capableBoyAbdul-QahaarServant of the subduer, AlmightyBoyAbdul-QudoosServant of the most holyBoyAbdul-RaheemServant of the most compassionateBoyAbdul-RaoufServant of the most mercifulBoyAbdul-RasheedServant of the rightly guidedBoyAbdul-RazaaqServant of the maintainer, ProviderBoyAbdul-SalaamServant of peaceBoyAbdul-WaahidServant of godBoyAbdul-WadoodServant of the lovingBoyAbduladlSlave of the justBoyAbdullahServant of AllahBoyAbdulmuhyeeSlave of who gives life and sustains itBoyAbdulmuntaqimSlave of him who punishes wrong doingsBoyAbdulrahmanservant of the merciful oneBoyAbdur RaheemServant of the most mercifulBoyAbdur RahmaanServant of the most graciousBoyAbdur RahmanServant of the most graciousBoyAbdur RaqeebServant of watchfulBoyAbdur RasheedServant of guide to right pathBoyAbdur RaufServant of the compassionateBoy ◄ Previous PageNext Page ► Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z