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A Lucky stone (Birthstone) is a gemstone with magical properties, especially to their relationship with signs of zodiac, day of birth, month of birth. They are worn in a form of personal jewellery, mostly as finger rings. Traditionally these stone have specific properties associated with various qualities of a person.

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As per  Hindu Astrology  for your name  ঵িনতি  lucky stone is  Emerald  and alternate stones are  Amber, Coral, Rose Quartz, Turquoise  and as per  Chinese Astrology  prefered stones is  Bloodstone

emeraldambercoralrose quartzturquoise
EmeraldAmberCoralRose QuartzTurquoise
For name  ঵িনতি,  find its  MeaningOriginGenderRashiReligionSummaryCompatibilityNumerologyBirthstoneLucky Number, color, day, time, metal, stone and more.
 Similar sounding names:
 Avanti,  Avent,  Avneet,  Avnita,  Vamita,  Vanad,  Vanathi,  Vanda,  Vande,  Vaneet,  Vanida,  Vanita,  Vimudha,  Vinata,  Vinati,  Vindhya,  Vineet,  Vineeta,  Vineeth,  Vinita,  Vinod,  Vinoda,  Vinutha,  Vonda
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