Names similar to Trilokesh

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List of Names similar to 'Trilokesh'

TrilochanIndianHaving three eyes,  One of higher knowledgeBoy
TrilochanIndianOne with three eyes,  Lord ShivaBoy
TrilochanIndianOne with three eyes,  ShivaBoy
TrilochanSanskritThree eyed lord,  Lord ShivaBoy
TrilochanaIndianGoddess ParvatiGirl
TrilochanaIndianLord ShivaGirl
TrilochanaIndianThree eyed lordBoy
TrilochanaIndianThree eyed lord,  Lord ShivaGirl
TrilochanaSanskritThree eyed lord,  Lord ShivaGirl
TrilokIndianThe three worlds (heaven,  earth and hell)Boy
TrilokIndianThree worlds (heaven,  earth and hell)Boy
TrilokIndianThree worlds (heaven,  earth,  hell)Boy
TrilokSanskritThree worldsBoy
TrilokanathIndianLord ShivaBoy
TrilokanathSanskritLord ShivaBoy
TrilokchandIndianMoon of the three worldsBoy
TrilokeshIndian Boy
TrilokeshIndianLord of Universe,  Lord Shiva,  Lord VishnuBoy
TrilokeshIndianLord ShivaBoy
TrilokeshIndianLord Shiva,  Lord VishnuBoy
TrilokeshIndianLord VishnuBoy
TrilokeshSanskritLord of Universe,  Lord Shiva,  Lord VishnuBoy
TrilokiIndianLord ShivaBoy
TrilokiSanskritLord ShivaBoy
Triloki NathIndianLord ShivaBoy
Triloki NathSanskritLord ShivaBoy
TrilokpatiIndianMaster of all the three worldBoy
Origin:  IndianSanskrit
Religion:  HinduSikh
Gender:  Boy onlyGirl onlyUnisex
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