People make close, healthy and good relationship with their spouse, close partner, friends, and colleague, business partners whose star signs are compatible with or are matching with each other’s. On the other hand people with non-matching or non-compatible star sign often ends up with bad and ugly relationship. Select Partner Rashi or Zodiac signYour Rashi: Aries (Mesh)Taurus (Vrushabh)Gemini (Mithun)Cancer (Kark)Leo (Sinh)Virgo (Kanya)Libra (Tula)Scorpio (Vrushik)Sagittarius (Dhan)Capricorn (Makar)Aquarius (Kumbh)Pisces (Meen)Partner Rashi: Aries (Mesh)Taurus (Vrushabh)Gemini (Mithun)Cancer (Kark)Leo (Sinh)Virgo (Kanya)Libra (Tula)Scorpio (Vrushik)Sagittarius (Dhan)Capricorn (Makar)Aquarius (Kumbh)Pisces (Meen) Please select Partner Rashi or Zodiac sign and click 'Calculate'Try Wizard?Try Compatibility using Chinese Astrology? Related ...» Zodiac Astrology (Signs of Zodiac)» Chinese Astrology» Find your Zodiac & Chinese star signs» Birthday Compatibility Calculator» Find Astrological Compatibility of Name» Find Chinese Star sign Compatibility» Find Chinese Birth-date Compatibility» Find your Birthstone» Find Numerology of name» Find Lucky number, color, day, metal, hours ...» Find Auspicious stones for your name» Sibling Name Calculator» Baby Name Generator» Find Meaning of name» Find Summary of name» Find Origin of name» Find Gender of name» Find Rashi of name» Find Religion from name» Find list of Similar names» Find Variant of name» Find In-depth information of name» Find Family name (Surname) Information» Find Origin of Family name (Surname)» BMI Calculator (Body Mass Index)» Body Fat Calculator» BMR Calculator (Your daily calorie requirement)» Waist to Hip Ratio Calculator» Calorie Calculator» Calories in Food» Ideal Weight Calculator (for Adult)» Weight Management (for Adult)» Safe Period Calculator (Birth control) Topic list ...Boy namesGirl namesUnisex namesTwins namesIndian namesInternational namesRegional namesNames by ReligionName GeneratorsName ListName Search ToolsTop 100 namesCompatibility Calc'sOther namesIndian SurnamesInternational SurnamesSurname by LanguageSurname by ReligionSurname by StateSurname Search Tools108 NamesAstrology (of name)God namesGoddess namesNames by NakshatraNames by PlanetNames by RashiNames by OriginHealth CalculatorsPregnancyBirth ControlParentingBaby CeremoniesRhymesStoriesToolsMeaning of nameGender of nameOrigin of nameName numerologyRashi of nameLucky numberChinese AstrologyZodiac AstrologyReligion from nameSimilar namesTwins name calculatorName that means …Variant of nameSurname InfoSafe Period CalculatorFertility CalculatorFetal Growth CalculatorPreg. Due Date CalcPreg. Week by WeekBaby Growth Calculator