Summary of name Akantha

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Name  Akantha  has  Greek  origin. Name Akantha generally means  Thorn  and is a  Feminine  (or Girl) name.
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 Similar sounding names:
 Acanda,  Acantha,  Acchindra,  Acenath,  Achintya,  Achmad,  Achmed,  Acintya,  Agamdeep,  Agendra,  Agneta,  Agneth,  Agnetha,  Agnethe,  Ajanta,  Ajinder,  Akand,  Akando,  Akantha,  Akhenaten,  Akhenaton,  Akshahantrey,  Asenath,  Ashmit,  Ashmita,  Asmita,  Assunta,  Ayushmati,  Azeneth,  Azmat
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