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Sibling names for 'Jayaprakash'

AlvarGermanLight SkinnedGirl
AlvaraGermanLight SkinnedGirl
AlvarieGermanLight SkinnedGirl
AlvieGermanLight SkinnedGirl
AmritrashmiIndianMoon LightGirl
AnudeepthiIndianDivine lightGirl
AnwaarIndianRay of lightGirl
AnwaarIndianRays of lightGirl
AnwaarIndianRays of light,  Light,  Glow,  Devoted to lordGirl
AnwarIndianRays of light,  Light,  Glow,  Devoted to lordGirl
AratiIndianWorship,  Ceremony of moving a lighted lamp circularly round an idolGirl
ArchiniIndianRay of lightGirl
ArchishaIndianA Ray of lightGirl
ArchishaIndianRay of lightGirl
ArinIndianIreland,  Light Bringer,  PeaceGirl
ArkaIndianFlash of lightning,  RayGirl
ArkaIndianSun,  Flash of lightning,  RayGirl
AthiraIndianPrayer,  Quick,  LighteningGirl
AtmikhaIndianLight of godGirl
AvlokitaIndianThe enlightened oneGirl
AylaTurkishOak Tree,  Moonlight,  HaloGirl
BearnasScottishBringer of victory,  VictoriousGirl
BereniceBiblicalWho Brings the VictoryGirl
BereniceEnglishBringer of victoryGirl
BereniceFrenchBringer of victoryGirl
BereniceIndianBringer of victoryGirl
BereniceLatinBringer of victoryGirl
BerenikeGreekBringer of victoryGirl
BergliotNorwegianHelpful Light,  Help,  SaveGirl
BernettaEnglishBringer of victoryGirl
BernettaIndianBringer of victoryGirl
BerniceEnglishBringer of victoryGirl
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 Similar sounding names:
 Jayaprakash,  Jayprakash,  Jeevaraaj,  Jeevaraj,  Jefferson,  Jivraj
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