Names meaning First

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List of Names meaning 'First'

AadhanIndianBe FirstBoy
AadhanaIndianBeing FirstGirl
AadhyaIndianFirst powerGirl
AadhyaIndianFirst Power,  The BeginningGirl
AadiIndianFirst,  Most importantBoy
AadidevIndianThe first god,  Ancient godBoy
AadidevIndianFirst godBoy
AadidevIndianThe First GodBoy
AadidevSanskritThe first god,  Ancient godBoy
AadinathIndianFirst godBoy
AadinathIndianThe First GodBoy
AadinathIndianThe first god,  Supreme Ruler of the UniverseBoy
AadinathSanskritGod,  Supreme Ruler of the Universe,  The first GodBoy
AadyaIndianFirst,  PreliminaryGirl
AadyaIndianFirst or preliminaryGirl
AahanaIndianFirst rays of the sunGirl
AahanaIndianFirst ray of sunGirl
AarushIndianFirst ray of sunBoy
AarushIndianFirst rays of sunBoy
AarushiIndianFirst ray of sunGirl
AarushiIndianFirst rays of sunGirl
Abdul AwwalIndianSlave of the first oneBoy
AdhochAfricanBorn Feet FirstGirl
AdhyaIndianFirst powerGirl
AdikaviIndianFirst poetBoy
AdikaviSanskritFirst poetBoy
AdinathIndianFirst lord,  Lord VishnuBoy
AdinathIndianThe First Lord,  Lord VishnuBoy
AditIndianFirst bornBoy
AditIndianFirst born,  From the beginningBoy
AdithaIndianThe first rootGirl
AdithaIndianFirst rootGirl
AdyaIndianFirst,  UnparalleledGirl
Agrafena  (Аграфена)RussianWild Horse,  Born with feet firstGirl
AgrimIndianLeader,  FirstBoy
AgrimIndianAlways ahead,  Leader,  FirstBoy
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Origin:  AfricanRussianIndianSanskrit
Religion:  JainHinduMuslim
Rashi:  Mesh
Nakshatra:  Krithika
Graha:  Mangal (Mars)
Gender:  Boy onlyGirl onlyUnisex
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