Numerology of name Vajendra

Numerology & Auspicious Traits for ...

Numerical for name  Vajendra  is  '3'
Person with '3' as name numerical are Expressive, highly social-able, fun loving and enjoys life, creative, imaginative, inventive, artistic and career oriented
And as per Hindu Astrology, auspicious traits are:
Energy: Determined energy
Passion: Have a secure, happy & wealthy life, and marriage
Life Pursuit: Emotional and financial security
Supportive Numbers: 6, 15, 24
Auspicious Color: Blue, Green, White
Auspicious Stones: Emerald, Amber, Coral, Rose Quartz, Turquoise
Auspicious Metal: Silver
Best Days: Friday, Monday
Ruling Hours: 9am ~ 11am
Supporting Planet: Venus
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