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Name  Bhagwantjot  generally means  Light of god


Name  Bhagwantjot  is a  Masculine  name, which means generally Boys have this name


Name  Bhagwantjot  has  Indian  origin
IndianLight of godBoy


Person with name  Bhagwantjot  are mainly  Sikh  by religion
SikhLight of godBoy

Lucky Number

Supportive numbers for name  Bhagwantjot  are
 3, 7, 12, 21

Lucky Color

Auspicious color for name  Bhagwantjot  are
 Yellow, Green, Red

Lucky Stone

Auspicious stone for name  Bhagwantjot  are  Turquoise, Amethyst, Ruby, Sapphire


Lucky Metal

Auspicious metal for name  Bhagwantjot  is

Lucky Days

Best days for name  Bhagwantjot  are
 Thursday, Tuesday

Ruling Hours

Ruling Hours for name  Bhagwantjot  is
 11pm ~ 1am

Ruling Planet

Ruling Planet (Graha) for name  Bhagwantjot  is


Numerical for name  Bhagwantjot  is  4
Person with '4' as name numerical are Stable, Calm, home loving, detail oriented, obedient, trustworthy, logical, active, organized, responsible and trustworthy


People with name  Bhagwantjot  are Peace loving, Excellent partner and Spiritual.


To make a difference in the world

Life Pursuit

To live the good life


Overly expressive - Frequent burnouts


People with name  Bhagwantjot  are bold, dashing, loyal, ambitious, affectionate, optimistic, easy-going, loving and always aiming higher than the goal they initially set for themselves. They have a strong sense of justice and truth and in a relationship they are honest and loyal and often carefree. They are more as a sportsperson, a good learner, a seeker of knowledge and wisdom, optimistic and easy-going, fun filled, fun loving, carefree individuals who live life to the fullest.
Note: Astrological information provided above is generalised and may differ from person to person. Please consult your astrologer for exact and precise information.
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