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Name  Raahithyaappa  generally means  Wealthy or  Person with lot of money or  Person with lots of money


Name  Raahithyaappa  is a  Masculine  name, which means generally Boys have this name


Name  Raahithyaappa  has  Indian  origin
IndianWealthy,  Person with lot of moneyBoy


Person with name  Raahithyaappa  are mainly  Hindu  by religion
HinduWealthy,  Person with lot of moneyBoy


Name  Raahithyaappa  belongs to Rashi  Tula (Libra)
RashiMeaningGenderQuality of
Tula (Libra)Person with lots of moneyBoyLibrans


Name  Raahithyaappa  belongs to Nakshatra (lunar mansion)  Hastha
HasthaWealthy,  With lots of moneyBoy

Lucky Number

Supportive numbers for name  Raahithyaappa  are
 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 15, 24

Lucky Color

Auspicious color for name  Raahithyaappa  are
 Yellow, Blue, White

Lucky Stone

Auspicious stone for name  Raahithyaappa  are  Diamond, Lapis Lazuli, Opal, Peridot

diamondlapis lazuliopalperidot 
DiamondLapis LazuliOpalPeridot

Lucky Metal

Auspicious metal for name  Raahithyaappa  are
 Silver, Copper

Lucky Days

Best days for name  Raahithyaappa  are
 Wednesday, Friday, Saturday

Ruling Hours

Ruling Hours for name  Raahithyaappa  is
 7pm ~ 9pm

Ruling Planet

Ruling Planet (Graha) for name  Raahithyaappa  is


Numerical for name  Raahithyaappa  is  1
Person with '1' as name numerical are Action oriented, pioneer, natural leader, independent, strong willed, positive, energetic, enterprising, enthusiastic, brave and innovative


People with name  Raahithyaappa  are Forgiving, Selfless, Perfectionists, Philanthropic, and Divine.


Live an easy, uncomplicated life

Life Pursuit

To be consistent




People with name  Raahithyaappa  are pleasant, beautiful, artistic, charming, impersonal, impartial, emotional, compassionate, generous and diplomatic, possessing natural charm in abundance. Indecisiveness is their biggest drawback and needing to be popular often lands them in trouble. They are generally active people who enjoy sports, dance, and do well in arts, especially music, science and navigation.

Suffixed Name

Raahithyaappa,  Raahithyaji,  Raahithyanna,  Raahithyarao,  Raahithyappa,  Raahithyaanna,  Raahithyadas,  Raahithyababu,  Raahithyalal,  Raahithyamal
Note: Astrological information provided above is generalised and may differ from person to person. Please consult your astrologer for exact and precise information.
For name  Raahithyaappa,  find its  MeaningOriginGenderRashiReligionSummaryCompatibilityNumerologyBirthstoneAuspicious stonesLucky Number, color, day, time, metal, stone and more.
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