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List of Names similar to 'Bhishma'

BhishamIndianStrong,  Mighty,  An elder of Mahabharata,  Son of king 'Shantanu'Boy
BhishamSanskritAn elder of Mahabharata,  Son of king 'Shantanu'Boy
BhishmaIndianOne who has taken a terrible vowBoy
BhishmaIndianOne who has taken a terrible vow,  Teacher of KauravasBoy
BhishmaIndianStrong,  An elder of Mahabharata,  Son of king 'Shantanu'Boy
BhishmaIndianTeacher of KauravasBoy
BhishmaSanskritAn elder of Mahabharata,  Son of king 'Shantanu'Boy
BhismaIndianDreadful,  Terrible,  Fear inducing,  ForbiddingBoy
BhismaIndianDreadful,  Terrible,  Fear-inducing,  ForbiddingBoy
BhismasvarajaIndian Boy
BhiswajeetIndian Unisex
BhiswasIndian Boy
Origin:  IndianSanskrit
Religion:  HinduBuddhist
Gender:  Boy onlyGirl onlyUnisex
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